Some History from the Uganda Martyrs

By: Nsubuga Francis

Every 3rd of June, millions of pilgrims gather at Namugongo, only a few kilometers from Kampala in Wakiso District in Uganda to celebrate the lives, death and bravery exhibited by the Uganda Martyrs, a group of 23 Anglican and 22 Catholic coverts to Christianity. These were executed by Mukajanga (Chief Executioner) at the orders of Kabaka (King) Mwanga of Buganda Kingdom on 3rd June 1886, though the whole execution fell between the period of 31st January 1885 and 27th January 1887.

This happened at a time of religious power struggle for political influence at the Buganda royal court by the Moslems, Anglicans and Catholics.

Many of the Uganda Martyrs were pages in the Kabaka's palace while others were working in chiefs' homesteads. Back then in Buganda Kingdom, each family was selecting very hardworking boys, well behaved too, to go and work for the King. It was also a sign of showing loyalty to the King as it was prestigious to work for the King.
It is in the King's palace and chiefs homes, therefore, that the Martyrs began to learn religion after the coming of the Anglican and catholic Missionaries in 1877 and 1879 respectively. The Christian Missionaries had been  invited by Kabaka Muteesa I, Mwanga's father, in his letter dated 14th April 1875 that was published in the Daily Telegraph of 15th November 1875 in England.

The first martyr to die was King's major domo and leader of all Christians, Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe, on 15th November 1885. He was killed because he had pleaded to King Mwanga to abandon the vice of homosexuality and not to kill Bishop Hannington, an Anglican missionary who had entered Buganda from Busoga (the backdoor of Buganda kingdom).

From that time he became angry with all Christians as they all refused to give in to his sinful demands and were persuading all other pages to do the same. On 25th May, 1886, King Mwanga ordered for a number of Christians to be brought before him and he passed on them the death penalty. 20 of the 22 martyrs were killed between 26th May 1886 and 3rd June 1886.

Some Martyrs were hacked to pieces like Andrew Kaggwa, Pontian Ngondwe, Matthias Mulumba  and Denis Ssebuggwawo. Others were speared to death like Gonzaga Gonza in Kireka, only two kilometers to Namugongo while others like Charles Lwanga and 12 others were burnt alive at Namugongo.

John Maria Muzeeyi was the last of the 22 martyrs to be killed on 27/01/1887. He was beheaded and his body was thrown into a swamp.

Artistic representation of the Uganda Martyrs execution at Namugongo

The twenty-two Roman Catholics martyrs are:
Achilles Kiwanuka
Adolphus Ludigo-Mukasa
Ambrose Kibuuka
Anatoli Kiriggwajjo
Andrew Kaggwa
Antanansio Bazzekuketta
Bruno Sserunkuuma
Charles Lwanga
Denis Ssebuggwawo
Gonzaga Gonza
James Buuzabalyawo
John Maria Muzeeyi
Joseph Mukasa Balikuddembe
Luka Baanabakintu
Matia Mulumba
Mbaga Tuzinde
Mukasa Kiriwawanvu
Noa Mawaggali
Ponsiano Ngondwe

The two Martyrs of Paimol, Gulu, 1918

These two martyrs, Daudi Okello and Jildo Irwa, were young catechists from Paimol, Gulu at the beginning of the 20th century. Having just received Baptism and Confirmation, they realized that to be a Christian means to share one's faith, even at the cost of life itself, should this become necessary. So they started at once to work as catechist, and carried on until they shed their blood.

People who opposed the new religion took advantage of socio-political unrest to stop the preaching of the Gospel in Paimol. The two catechists were hounded, threatened, ordered to give up their activities, and finally speared to death. It was the week end of 18th - 20th October 1918.

Daudi and Jildo were beatified by Pope John Paul II on 20th October 2002.

The execution also took place at a time of the scramble and partition for Africa by European powers and the English Church Missionary Society used the deaths to enlist wider public support for the British acquisition of Uganda.

The Catholic Church beautified the martyrs of its faith in 1920 and canonized them in 1964. 

Over the years, pilgrims have been flowing to Namugongo in overwhelming numbers, as a sign of faith. These come from different parts of Uganda as well as other countries in and outside Africa. People have been walking miles from as far as Kenya, Tanzania!

There is a belief that when you pray through the Uganda martyrs, you are heard and your prayers are answered.

To the local population, the event is a source of income and its eagerly waited fofor services range from accommodation, food, alcohol, mchomo, souvenirs from the millions of piligrims.
