By Nsubuga Francis

African teachers go through a lot to pass on to us knowledge. Its world Teachers' and we at AfrikaMzuri want to recognise these great men and women for their amazing contribution to humanity and creating a better world!

We come to school knowing completely nothing, we all remember those early years. We laugh, we play, we fight, we cry and all we run to are our teachers. Here in Uganda and Africa at large, there days teachers put that whip on our behinds, we sometimes cursed  deep inside us, little we ever knew  they were trying to keep us in the right life paths.

We all know it, we called teachers names, not so cool names and teachers never stopped being lovely.  There was  always a bond with our teachers. They always had this mixed feeling when a time came and we had to leave school. Yes, a teacher is happy for you as   you are elavating to another level in life, but  sad because some how they had got used to our being around them, they miss their students! 

There are times our teachers get little or delayed pay, they never bring these feelings into class! They push on like all things are literally fine!

They stood with us, they guided us, they trusted us. They also believes is us and its their great efforts that all great men turned into whoever they are! 

For the man and woman you are, give a big thanks to your Francis, a big THANK YOU to my African Teacher!!
